한국 하스켈 모임

Haskell-KR: Haskellers in South Korea

Welcome to Haskell-KR, the South Korean Haskell group!

Programmers in South Korea gather and explore the exciting world of Haskell together. We are especially fascinated by how correctness, conciseness, performance, concurrency, maintainability, code quality, and elegance in software can be achieved by this awesome programming language, a result from decades of cutting-edge research full of revolutionary advances and state-of-the-art features. Please refer to the official Haskell website for more on Haskell.


For most programmers, it is extremely difficult to spend holidays on learning an unfamiliar language: it requires too much mental effort. We can effectively avoid this willpower trap by meeting up because when we gather we have nothing else to do. Leave your distractions behind and join us for a nice productive holiday with fun.


